The excitement was great and they got to the museum around 7.A.M. I appreciated their eagerness and was glad to be their tourist Guide.
They flew in to Lagos from Maryland, U.S.A to learn more about the Trans Atlantic Slave trade that took place on the Slave Coast (Nigeria/Benin Republic).
They were very knowledgeable, well exposed and praised me for my understanding of the past.
The physical look of Jennifer caught my attention and my inquisitiveness prompted me to ask her of her origin because she looked very mixed to me. I noticed the native American Indian trait in her. She told me that she is from New Mexico, U.S.A and her Ancestors are of French, Spanish, Pueblo, Cherokee and Aztec Indian (Mexico) origin.
I was baffled because she represent many cultures and to crown it all, she married an African. Mr and Mrs Folayan's children represents the continents of the world.
This family is widely traveled and the experience seems to have made them to be comfortable anywhere they find themselves.